5 Ways to Protect Your Inheritance

By Luma Wealth on February 25, 2020

When Money is Left to You


Over the next 25 years, an estimated $48 trillion in assets will be transferred from baby boomers down to their heirs.1 If you anticipate receiving some of this wealth, here are five thoughts about safeguarding your inheritance.

1. If you inherit retirement assets, know the rules to minimize taxes. As of the 2019 SECURE Act, there are new regulations outlining the distribution requirements for non-spouse beneficiaries and making a mistake on the timing of the distributions could be costly. The new rules generally require that a non-spouse beneficiary take a full payout within 10 years after the death of the initial account owner.2

2. Take advantage of a ‘stepped-up basis.’ When you inherit property, such as stocks or real estate, the assets are revalued to their current market value instead of the cost basis or purchase price.4 This can result in a significant tax benefit because you don’t pay tax on any increase in value that occurred before you inherited the assets. If you sell, losses or gains will be based on the ‘stepped-up’ value of the assets. Your Luma Wealth advisor can work with you and your accountant to help you manage your assets tax efficiently.

3. When it comes to handing down a family business, succession planning is key. Transitioning a family business can be complicated. There may be multiple parties involved, some who work in the business and others who do not, and each with a different vision for the future. Planning ahead can help you and your family:

  • Agree on the goals for the business
  • Assess the business’s true value
  • Reduce taxes
  • Train the next generation of leaders
  • Prepare for conflicting goals with a buy/sell agreement

Your Luma Wealth advisor can help you and your family review your options.

4. Rebalance your portfolio. A measurable inheritance may skew your asset allocation, so that you’re either too aggressively or too conservatively invested for your goals. In addition, your investment portfolio may become highly concentrated in one company or industry, especially if you’ve inherited assets from a senior executive. Your Luma Wealth advisor can help you incorporate inherited assets into your wealth plan, so that your asset allocation continues to align with your goals.

5. Learn the basics of investing. It pays to be informed, especially when you’ve received an inheritance. Luma Wealth is a resource you can count on to provide the information, tools and guidance that can help you take control of your future.

You don’t have to go back to school to make the most of inherited wealth. Simply join us for our upcoming Solutions for Women event – and bring a friend!

1Boomers Will Pass Along Trillions, Mostly to Gen Xers, AARP, November 29, 2018. https://www.aarp.org/money/budgeting-saving/info-2018/generational-wealth-transfer.html
2IRS Retirement Topics – Beneficiary, https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/plan-participant-employee/retirement-topics-beneficiary
3Publication 590-B (2018), Distributions from Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs), https://www.irs.gov/publications/p590b#en_US_2018_publink1000230539
4IRS FAQs, https://www.irs.gov/faqs/interest-dividends-other-types-of-income/gifts-inheritances/gifts-inheritances

Luma Wealth is a group comprised of investment professionals registered with Hightower Advisors, LLC, an SEC registered investment adviser. Some investment professionals may also be registered with Hightower Securities, LLC, member FINRA and SIPC. Advisory services are offered through Hightower Advisors, LLC. Securities are offered through Hightower Securities, LLC. All information referenced herein is from sources believed to be reliable. Luma Wealth and Hightower Advisors, LLC have not independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document. Luma Wealth and Hightower Advisors, LLC or any of its affiliates make no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information or for statements or errors or omissions, or results obtained from the use of this information. Luma Wealth and Hightower Advisors, LLC or any of its affiliates assume no liability for any action made or taken in reliance on or relating in any way to the information. This document and the materials contained herein were created for informational purposes only; the opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s), and do not represent those of Hightower Advisors, LLC or any of its affiliates. Luma Wealth and Hightower Advisors, LLC or any of its affiliates do not provide tax or legal advice. This material was not intended or written to be used or presented to any entity as tax or legal advice. Clients are urged to consult their tax and/or legal advisor for related questions.